How To Apply
- Complete Rental Application.
- The Application can be found online by clicking on Rental Applicaion tab or by printing the Application from the Download Rental Application tab and faxing/emailing to us.
- There is $ 40.00 application fee per adult. The fee is paid in consideration of First Corsa Group for verification of all information stated in the Application. After the online application is submitted, the site will prompt payment with credit, debit card or checking account immediately after completion. In addition, the payment maybe submitted in cash or money order. If the application is emailed or faxed, please click on Online Payments to pay your application fee. Please note, application submitted without payments will not be processed.
- The Application fee is NON_REFUNDABLE. It CAN NOT be applied towards rent payments IF the Applicant is approved for tenancy.
2. Provide Proof of Income.
- One month of most recent pay stubs. We are looking for take home pay to equal 3 times the rent.
- Other accepted forms of income proof are current bank statement, SS award letter.
3. Provide Picture ID
- Driver's license
- State ID card
- Passport
Please note that applications are processed on a first come- first served basis.
From the time you submitted Application and all mandatory documentation, we will receive screening results within 3 business days